Not all characters are equal and some of these characters can literally destroy planets, make sure to check out the strongest characters right here.

Each character has a different set of abilities and powers that you can use to defeat your enemies. Nonetheless, this list should provide you with at least 44 wins per rotation on Dif 8.Marvel Strike Force tier list contains all the characters that you would love to play as in the game. On difficulty 8 that will change because some teams (Gotg, A.I.M, Kree…) are simply not good enough to be victorious with Dif 8 Punch Up. Nonetheless, at the moment, all mentioned teams should have a 100% win rate in the first rotation (as long as they are listed from the bottom of this list to the top). Teams on top will win always on Blitz Difficulty 8 and as the list goes down, their winning potential goes down also. Teams are listed from top to bottom according to their strength and their chance to provide you with certain wins. In the current list, we will use Apocalypse, Doctor Doom, Dormammu, and Magneto in 2 different teams to maximize Blitz’s efficiency and provide you with the most viable options. That is acceptable and leaves you enough Blitz charges for using on teams that are emphasized in Quick Rumble Blitzes or other Blitz Events. Having 4 characters in 2 teams will cost you 240 Blitz Charges per day in total if you have 8 rotations. You have your Blitz charges for spending. For some teams, I may use the same characters because it is acceptable to have 3-4 characters that are used in another team. Marvel Church has a dozen of accounts of different progression and hopefully, that will help you find the desired setup that will suit your needs and your roster.Īt this moment it is possible to assemble 48 different teams.
You will see the name of the account, the level of the account, the number of characters in the roster, the number of maximized characters, and the import code for the Blitz list of that account (the import code is ridiculously long:/). Since it is impossible to give general counsel about the best Blitz List for every individual roster, we will try to help you by sharing our Blitz Lists on accounts of different progression. That option is really helpful and allows us to easily share our Team setups with you. With recent improvements on the official site, you can export and share Team lists for all game features.
This list will be updated accordingly with every new update and every new character. Having all this in mind, I will suggest to you the list of teams that should grant you the highest number of victories per rotation. At the moment, the priority is to have the most wins from the single Blitz rotation. Obviously, you will earn fewer points if your strength is lower, but currently earning points is not the priority. The power of the team could be 1 million or 30k, and the effect will be almost identical considering current Blitz events. In other words, a Blitz win is a Blitz win. In Blitz, they don’t need to be fully improved to provide you victories because the power of enemies scales with your power. My idea is to exploit all available characters.

After thorough research, I have figured that the majority of players require a Blitz list of teams that will provide the highest number of wins per rotation. With every new character, more and more possibilities for making a viable Blitz team emerge.